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Manager Span of Control: Keep it in Check

In today's article, we're gonna talk about a problem that might be running rampant in your organization - having too many managers. It might seem like having more managers means more oversight, but in reality, it can lead to communication breakdowns, increased costs and overheads, and a constant need to promote top performers. So, let's dive in and explore these challenges and potential solutions.

Communication Breakdowns

When there are too many managers in an organization, communication breakdowns can occur. With more people involved in decision-making, it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page. Information can get lost in translation, leading to misunderstandings and errors. Additionally, managers may prioritize their own teams over the organization as a whole, leading to silos and a lack of collaboration.

For example, let's say there are five managers overseeing a project. Each manager has their own way of communicating and managing their team. When it comes time to collaborate on the project, there may be conflicting ideas and strategies. As a result, the project may suffer, and deadlines may be missed.

The impact of communication breakdowns on organizational performance can be significant. Misunderstandings can lead to mistakes, delays, and missed opportunities. This can ultimately affect the bottom line and hinder the organization's growth and success.

Costs and Overheads

Having too many managers can also increase costs and overheads. Each manager needs a salary and benefits package, which can add up quickly. Additionally, more managers mean more meetings, more resources, and more administrative work.

For example, let's say there are ten managers overseeing a department of 50 employees. Each manager makes a salary of $100,000 per year, plus benefits. This means the organization is spending $1 million per year on manager salaries alone. If there were only five managers, the organization could save $500,000 per year.

The impact of increased costs and overheads can be significant as well. It can eat into the organization's profits and make it difficult to invest in growth and development.

Constant Promotion of Top Performers

When there are too many managers, there can be a constant need to promote top performers. This is because there are more managers competing for top talent, and they may feel the need to offer promotions to keep their employees from leaving.

For example, let's say there are five managers overseeing a team of 20 employees. Each manager has one top performer on their team. In order to keep their top performers from leaving, the managers may feel the need to offer promotions or raises. This can create a culture of entitlement, where employees feel they are entitled to promotions or raises simply because they are a top performer.

The impact of constant promotion can be damaging to organizational culture and employee morale. It can create a sense of competition and animosity among employees, and lead to a lack of trust and collaboration.


So, what can be done to address these challenges? One solution is to reduce the number of managers in the organization. This can be done by consolidating teams or departments, and giving managers more direct reports. This can help to streamline decision-making and reduce communication breakdowns.

Another solution is to implement a flatter organizational structure. This means having fewer levels of management and more autonomy for employees. This can help to foster a sense of collaboration and empowerment, and reduce the need for constant promotion.

Finally, it's important to prioritize communication and collaboration. This means having clear channels of communication, regular check-ins, and opportunities for cross-functional collaboration. By prioritizing communication and collaboration, organizations can reduce the impact of having too many managers.


In conclusion, having too many managers in an organization can lead to communication breakdowns, increased costs and overheads, and a constant need

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